Omg Ive been sooo busy lately! Im trying to clean out some office space and found out something super exciting LOL and it's just amazing but busy. Anyway, I'm cleaning out an office space, like I said, and the problem isn't just it being dirty or cluttered but it's been uninhabited for probably a couple of years.
With it being summer the wasps are all around in it. Ive searched all over the web looking for more natural ways to kill them or repel them. Now everyone suggested hair spray, what it does is when it dries it just keeps them from flying but it may still attract the other wasps and cause them to sting YOU.
Now, Im the more natural type when it comes to stuff like this. I've heard about these wasp trap things. They don't use any harsh chemicals or anything which is great to put around trees or buildings since its less hazardous. So I made one out of a combination of different things and Ideas. I actually made a lot and I will give you the instructions below if you would like to try it out.
The best thing is to make sure the bottle is colored red,orange, or yellow like a bright reflective tape or something. It attracts the wasps to your trap.
Now you will need a bottle like a 2 liter coke bottle (that works best) but even a few of the smaller ones like a 12OZ or something works. COKE A COLA BOTTLES WORK BEST SINCE THEY ARE BRIGHT RED.
Next, with caution, cut the bottle off at the neck. Usually its just a few inches below where the cap is on the bottle. The best place to cut on coke bottles is where the bottle starts to round.
Next throw away the cap because you wont need it
After that get the bigger half of the bottle (this is the bottom of the bottle) This part is where you will put the items in to attract the wasps
Now there are many ways to bait the trap I have used plenty, the best is put one teaspoon of laundry soap in, 2-6 teaspoons of water, and one table spoon of sugar. The sugar attracts them, the water would drown them, and the laundry soap will kill them later in case they escape. Other ways is pure sugar water, where u put about 4 tea spoons of water in and a table spoon of sugar and mix well. Some people use a cup of apple juice and pineapple juice (canned pineapple juice is fine) Ive actually used apple sauce and water and gotten a great result.
If it is spring or early summer its better to use some meat (nasty yes) but raw meat works best like hamburger meat in some sugar water. This is when wasps are looking for protein and chicken just doesnt cut it lol. However, in later summer and early winter sweet items work best, but you can still use meat with it.
Whatever mixture you use make sure it is mixed well.
After you mix your items in the lower half of the bottle take the neck part you cut off and place it UPSIDE DOWN like a funnel. This will allow the wasps to get in but since the opening is so small it makes it hard for them to escape.
tape the funnel part down so it wont blow away when you place it outside.
It helps to put some cooking oil like vegetable oil or Vaseline or even petroleum jelly on the funnel part so they will slip into the hole
You can also poke holes in the top of the funnel/bottle and put a string through it to hang in a tree or some where else.
Make sure you put a sign on them to tell people it is a wasp trap. Please don't hang them in high traffic areas that people are around often. This is a wasp trap which means living wasps will be attracted to it and if people are around they may anger the wasps and be stung.
On mine I printed out some bright red and yellow signs saying "CAUTION WASP TRAP"
This has really helped a lot with getting rid of wasps. Another technique I don't recommend is if you know where the nest is you can soak it with soapy water and run. It may kill them in minutes but it is VERY dangerous because it wont kill them instantly and they can still chase you. It is best to place traps early morning or night time because the wasps are asleep. NEVER TRY TO TAKE DOWN A WASP NEST THAT IS ACTIVE!!!! THEY WILL CHASE YOU!!!! Who knows if you're lucky you may catch the queen of nearby nests!!!! That will take out the whole nest or most of it because the others follow the queen and if she is stuck in your trap the others will follow her.
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