Well, I recently graduated high school as of May 2011 =D.
I love art and everything about it!
I was mostly raised by my daddy who is awesome and amazing!
I have a HUGE family,6 brothers 1 sister, and 1 half brother.
I have awesome cousins lol.
I'm on facebook daily...yes daily myspace got OLD!! =(
I love Adam Lambert! =D
I support NOH8, anyone who doesn't like gay people can just go about your pathetic lives and be miserable.
I love Adommy lol as in Adam Lambert and Tommy Joe Ratliff fan stuff pairing the two(you know they like each other, no straight guy would let a gay man make out with him on stage lol).
IM SHORT LOL 5 foot 2!!!!! =D Thank goodness for tall guys though lol the guy I absolutely love is like 6 foot 3 lol. Oh and btw HE'S BI. If you don't like it be so kind and click the little red X at the top of the screen k?
I laughed at a youtube video of a guy yelling at cats...LOL don't get me wrong, animal abuse is awful, and I love cats, dogs, just about all animals.
I have a twitter! @xXxSuperbixXx
I don't drink.
I don't smoke.
I don't do drugs.
I've never done anything bad, the worst thing I got was a check mark in elementary school for talking to much! lol =D
I feel like I'm on Eharmony....oh well my life isn't to much of a secret =)
I hate paid programing...>=(
I don't like people smoking around me...O.O
I love my nana! =D
I have awesome friends!
I love scrapbooking!
I love babies!!!! =D They're so cute!!
I'm fascinated by the holocaust, not because people died but because of the fact ONE MAN was the cause of MILLIONS of deaths.
I love the hitman games!
I love the sims games!
I love penguins!
I love pandas..I want a pillow pet panda lol
I text...A LOT!!!! =)
I don't like talking on the phone...mostly because when I was younger people would say "you're not mckala you sound like a guy" then later it was "sheesh u have a high pitched voice ga!" lol puberty....gotta love it >.>
I get the craziest ideas ALL THE TIME lol =D
I'm spontaneous! =D